Posted on : 2022-03-23
Posted by : Ashik, Blockchain Intern
Table of contents
VMS – Vote Management System
A project for the final term exam of the course OOP2 in AIUB
Visual Studio 2019 Project
MSSQL in backend
Voting Management System
Voting Management System is a paperless documentary application or system used for voting a character in any type of election. The population of Bangladesh is spread throughout its districts. Everyone has to be counted in this voting system and managing their votes in a paper or ballot system is time-consuming. The Voting Management System is a modern and innovative project. If we looked into other developed countries, they have already moved away from the ballot system years ago. The main advantage of the application is that the same app can be divided into all the districts and they can submit their own voting data and data from all the districts is merged to show a complete result. It aims to improve efficiency in collecting votes and reducing the complexity involved in merging data from all the districts and showing a complete result.
To run the program on your system,
- clone the repo
- Create a Database in your MSSQL server and run the script from VMS.sql on the Database you just created
- Get the connectionString from your Database
- Open the project in Visual Studio and change the
variable in DBConnection.cs file with theConnection String
from your Database - Run the program and use
as both username and password to login as Admin and manage all other users from the Admin Dashboard
Requirement Analysis
1.User Category : There are 3 types of users here, They are –
- Admin
- District Manager
- General Public
2. Feature List :
- In this project the Admin has the following features:
- Login
- Add new Admin
- Assign a GeneralPublic as District Manager
- View data
for all district - View Total Result
- Manage total list of General Public with
NID andtheir details - Approve applied new accounts and assign NID to the new accounts
- In this project District Manager has the following features:
- Login
- Assign a General Public as Candidate for Election
- View Data
for assigned district - View result
for assigned district
- In this project the General Public has the following features:
- Login
CreateApply for Account(with NID must be included in the NID Database that Admin manages) - Vote any of the Candidates
Had to remove NID assignment and District wise Voting