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Decentralized Exchange

Decentralized Exchange for Investors, Stock Traders, E-commerce and Startup Companies

DEX can simply be defined as a digital currency exchange that requires no third-party intermediaries and can allow direct peer-to-peer transactions through a secured network.

What you get with Decentralized Exchange



The DEX provided by us will ensure you the most updated analytical tools with technical indicators that will help you understand current industry trends.


Transaction Validation

Validated Transaction is the fundamental behind ensuring user transaction transparency which we will ensure you with our DEX facilities.


Listing Orders

Listing Orders or Order Book in the terms of DEX ensures the exchange of separate buy and sell orders. This exchange confirms the trade between parties when the order meets its requirements. It also allows users to keep updated with the current rates.


Push Notifications

As for important events, our Push Notifications feature ensures that you don’t miss any key affairs by sending you alerts at precise timings.

Our Solutions

Decentralized Exchange
What Softwareigniters.com offers
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